Several days ago, Indonesia was shocked by prostitution case again.
This is not the first time, it had been occured many times that we can
not count anymore. As we know that prostitution is sexual service sale.
And this kind of business had growth quickly and large. This time
prostitution can be done via online, known as Online Prostitution. Online Prostitution today become a trending topic in Indonesia. How
come? Because prostitutes could come from every circles of society.
As recently happened, Online Prostitution involving Indonesian celebrities. Actually, this celebrities prostitution had been occured long time ago. But the case has just revealed.
On May 8, 2015. The police conduct raids in a five stars hotel in South Jakarta. Police succeed caught a pimping initials RA who has another profession as a Makeup Artist and a celebrity initials AA, when they will did sexual transact.
The police succeed revealed and caught the prostitutes after they disguised as one of the man masher (playboy) who will did sexual transact with AA. It made the case of online prostitution that involving Indonesian celebrities revealed. Besides, the more surprising is RA also confess that he has 200 collection of prostitute. His online prostitution is via BBM. Not only in Indonesia, in fact this business had spread to abroad.
The question is “What is the factors that made RA run a second profession as a pimping? Whereas , it can be said his profession as a makeup artist also give him pretty income, besides it will be more halal than a pimping income.
And also the celebrities who become a prostitutes. Why they want do it? Is it about economic needs? or because of addiction in glamor life style?” I think it could be one of the causative factors.
But in the other side, other thought also across in our mind. Who should be blamed for all of this?
Why they run the dirt business like this? If this kind of questions that appear in our mind, the answers could be vary. Beside some factors that I mentioned above, others might be said;
1. “Business of Prostitution is easier to run and has bigger income than his last job”
Yeah, it’s might be true. but isn’t this kind of business break the norm that stand in society, especially religion norm, but for them it is not important to be considered.
2. “It’s hardest to find a job this day. That’s why many people fall and choose the easier way, although it’s a dirt way”
Although, it is easier, but the effect that we get later is worst. We must struggle for our life. Struggle for a better life. But be thoughtful in determine your struggle ways, choose the right ways if you want a better result, in this world and the hereafter.
As recently happened, Online Prostitution involving Indonesian celebrities. Actually, this celebrities prostitution had been occured long time ago. But the case has just revealed.
On May 8, 2015. The police conduct raids in a five stars hotel in South Jakarta. Police succeed caught a pimping initials RA who has another profession as a Makeup Artist and a celebrity initials AA, when they will did sexual transact.
The police succeed revealed and caught the prostitutes after they disguised as one of the man masher (playboy) who will did sexual transact with AA. It made the case of online prostitution that involving Indonesian celebrities revealed. Besides, the more surprising is RA also confess that he has 200 collection of prostitute. His online prostitution is via BBM. Not only in Indonesia, in fact this business had spread to abroad.
The question is “What is the factors that made RA run a second profession as a pimping? Whereas , it can be said his profession as a makeup artist also give him pretty income, besides it will be more halal than a pimping income.
And also the celebrities who become a prostitutes. Why they want do it? Is it about economic needs? or because of addiction in glamor life style?” I think it could be one of the causative factors.
But in the other side, other thought also across in our mind. Who should be blamed for all of this?
Why they run the dirt business like this? If this kind of questions that appear in our mind, the answers could be vary. Beside some factors that I mentioned above, others might be said;
1. “Business of Prostitution is easier to run and has bigger income than his last job”
Yeah, it’s might be true. but isn’t this kind of business break the norm that stand in society, especially religion norm, but for them it is not important to be considered.
2. “It’s hardest to find a job this day. That’s why many people fall and choose the easier way, although it’s a dirt way”
Although, it is easier, but the effect that we get later is worst. We must struggle for our life. Struggle for a better life. But be thoughtful in determine your struggle ways, choose the right ways if you want a better result, in this world and the hereafter.
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